Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Missing Brain; If found, please return

This is not really a Halloween reference, although I am slightly dreading tomorrow night and the process of trick or treating with a 3 year old and a newborn.  I haven't been trick or treating since I was 11.  Marren's dad took her the last 2 years, so this will be a new experience for me.

This is a reference to the fact that my brain has ceased to function as it used to.  Today I was in the process of getting all of my financial statements and tax returns in order as tomorrow I will be meeting with a mortgage lender.  It's a big hassle for me because my tax return programs are on an old laptop I don't use anymore because it's slow and sometimes doesn't work right.  I also have 5 different retirement accounts resulting from 3 previous jobs and my mother who used to be an investment banker. 

I started off firing up the lap top and printing the last 2 years of tax returns just hoping it's what she needs, because that's all I have.  My ex has all the W-2's and all the other forms.

Then I moved on to gathering the current statements from the investment accounts.  The 5 retirement accounts mean I have 5 different usernames and password combinations that I have to remember.  And by remember I mean go to the website and immediately hit the "forgot username/password" button because out of shear laziness I have never bothered to write any of them down.  This process has served me fine over the last few year and especially the last few months when I needed the information for the divorce.  I would go to one site "remember" my log in information, savea pdf of the current statement and print a copy.  But what happens, as in the case tonight, when your brain takes a vacation and you are unable to even remember the institution where one of the accounts is located?  I knew this information a month ago but it escapes me now.  I'll have to search the house to see if I can find a statement that was mailed to me 3 months ago.  It must be here, because I surely wouldn't have thrown away the mail from only 3 months ago yet.

After hitting the print button on the third statement I realized that none of them had actually printed.  After 15 minutes of frustration of trying to figure out what was wrong with the printer (I know it's working, it just printed the tax returns for heaven's sake), I gave up and went to leave the room.  That's when I had to step over the printer cord and remembered I had unhooked it 30 minutes ago to plug it into the laptop to print the tax returns.

Sigh...let's hope the meeting goes well tomorrow.  It's at 10am so hopefully we'll all be at least fully clothed by the time we need to leave because I know I won't be fully awake yet.  I also have to drag both the kids there because I have no where to take them at 10 am on a Wednesday morning.

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