Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat

So trick or treating went better than I expected.  Marren went as Rapunzel from Tangled, and we'll say Johannah went as a snow ninja (she was in a 0-3 months snowsuit that was gigantic on her).  Marren was very good and listened well.  I was afraid she'd be so excited she'd be running everywhere.  But she stayed right beside me, held my hand when we crossed the street, and only went up to the houses with lights on.  She said thank you most of the time.  She did get a little scared a couple times.  One was the second house we went to, a guy was dressed as a witch or something and had a really long pointy nose on that scared her.  The second time it was a singing Frankenstein hanging outside the door.  He was singing "Who Can It Be Now."  I thought it was pretty funny, but Marren didn't share the humor.

We didn't stay out too long because it got pretty cold especially with the wind.  Overall it was a good time.


Snow Ninja:


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