There's no motivation better for cleaning your house, like a pending visit from your mother. My mom called me earlier this week and said she was planning on coming up to visit for the weekend since she didn't have to work on Friday. When I hung up, I looked around the house in shame because it has gotten completely out of hand again.
I had given up on the 3 year old ever picking up after herself. You couldn't see the carpet in her room under the layer of clothes, toys, and yes, even pull ups. Don't worry, the pull ups are clean. For some reason she has decided she doesn't like how her panties fit anymore (or any article of clothing for that matter, but that's another story) so she randomly will put a pull up on in the day, then I tell her she needs to take it off, so she throws it on the floor. Every time she puts one on, she grabs a new one. She throws an absolute fit, if I bring out a clean but used one and tell her to put it on for bed. She has gone through a months worth in about a week and a half. It's driving me crazy because those things aren't cheap. Not to mention the fights have become exhausting. She has become even more stubborn in the past few weeks. I'd pick up all the clothes on the floor and put them in baskets and the next morning they were all over the floor again. Anytime I would tell her to pick up it's an immediate battle of wits. The hallway and living room floor were also covered in a layer of her crap. She's becom the queen of excuses at 3 years old. I tell her to pick up she immediately becomes sick, or tired, or her arms hurt or legs hurt, or even better, goes into an all out tantrum kicking and screaming on the floor.
I actually did get a lot taken care of before my mom got here. I took out 3 bags of garbage, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned up my mess in the living room, and folded the 2 months worth of laundry that was sitting on the bed she sleeps in.
Unfortunately all of Marren's mess was left when my mom got here Saturday morning. But thankfully, my mom is awesome and helped clean it all up. I'm always amazed by what she can get done. It will take her an hour or two to get done what it would take me an entire day to do. Marren started off quite helpful and listening well. However her attitude deteriorated rather quickly and my mom saw what I've been dealing with the last month.
I did get some organizing done. I bought a big tote to put Marren's clothes in that are too small. So hopefully we will be able to cut down on the clothes mess in her room plus some of the fits about clothes not fitting right.
So now I'm left with a fairly clean house. Let's just hope it stay that least til Thanksgiving...
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