Sunday, October 28, 2012

Status Quo

I didn't get much tackled today, but I did manage to clean up all of the messes we made during the day.  So I guess if the house isn't getting dirtier that's ok for now.

Bedtime has been a huge struggle the past few weeks.  The baby sleeps fine be herself all day long until about 9 pm when she gets somewhat colicky.  When I finally get her calmed down she will not sleep by herself.  She can be sleeping on me for an hour and when I put her in her bed she will sleep for a maximum of 2 minutes and wake up crying.  She acts like she hungry by trying to suck on everything but when I go to feed her she will suck for all of 30 seconds before falling back to sleep.  I'll try to put her to bed and the cycle repeats itself.  She refuses to take a pacifier.  I will hold it for her and she acts like I'm trying to choke her with it, even though it's the tiniest newborn ones you can buy.  She falls asleep much easier on her stomach, which I will let her do if I'm right there watching her, but I can't let her sleep like that all night.  So basically every night we've finally been going to sleep by about 1 in the morning and last night it was 2:30.

Tonight the baby was sleeping in the bouncer from 6pm on.  Marren and I were in my recliner and we actually both fell asleep at about 7:30.  I woke up at 8 and carried Marren into bed.  I the baby woke up shortly after and I fed her and decided that I was going to try to ge her into her bed earlier that usual.  With a little work I got her into her bed by 9:45.

I sat down to the computer shortly after and was working away until about 10:20 when Marren scared the crap out of me when she walked in the room.  She was silent until she was right beside me and said she couldn't sleep.  I sighed because the same thing happened last night and she was up for 2 hours in the middle of the night.  I started to get up to help her and stepped on the dog in the process, then apparently bumped into something that made the tiniest noise which in turn woke the baby.

So now it's 11pm and Marren is back in bed for now and we're back to square one with the baby who can't decide if she's hungry or tired. 

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