Thursday, January 17, 2013

Pulled Beef Sandwiches

I had a friend and her two kids over for supper tonight and I made a super easy meal.  My mom gave me the recipe for these sandwiches several years ago and it's probably the easiest crock pot meal ever, especially for people like me with very little time to cook.


1 beef roast - any cut or size will do, the bigger the roast, the less dipping sauce you will have at the end.  I usually buy the cheapest one I can find.  This one happened to be just over 2 lbs for $11.59 which now that I think about it, isn't terribly cheap, but it was the cheapest one at the store when I was there.

1 jar chili sauce - it's near the cocktail sauce in the condiment aisle

1 jar pickles - actually you really just need the pickle juice, so this is a great recipe to use when you finish eating the pickles and have a jar full of juice left.

Mix the chili sauce and pickle juice/pickles in a crockpot.  Add the roast and cook till done.  The time really depends on how big of a roast you use.  I put mine in before I left for work and turned it on low.  It was done when I got home.  If you turned it on high it probably would only take a few hours.
When its done, pull the roast out and throw away any pickles in the sauce.  Shred the beef and add it back to the sauce to soak up the juices.  Put meat on a bun and you can use the extra sauce for a dipping sauce.  Alternatively if you didn't want to have to fish the beef back out of the sauce you could just leave it seperate.  It probably wouldn't be quite as messy either.
It's a very easy meal and quite delicious I might add.

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